Thursday, January 20, 2011

4 months!

Well I am about 2 1/2weeks behind on the 4month pictures. Eh. I promise to change the Christmas background soon too.

4 Month Stats:
20 pounds 3 ounces (HUGE)
27 inches long
In Eli's defense, he went to his 4 month appt at 4 1/2 months so I think if we went at 4 months, he would have only been 19lbs or so. But still, he's taking after Dale. The funny thing is he barely eats. He still only takes about 4-5oz at a time and only hits about 25-30 ounces a day. He just isnt a big eater. The pedi couldn't believe he was that big and ate that little. He suggested we start solids which we have slowly started to introduce. he gets a little once a day. I'll post on that next time.

At 4 months:
-still not sleeping through the night. Those 2 nights he did before were a fluke. Because he eats so little, I do think for now he still wakes up at night to eat once or twice. He always scarfs down a bottle and goes right back to sleep so easily so I don't mind getting up to feed him. It's just the nights that he is up every 2 hours that are killer. Hopefully by 6 months we will have figured this out.
-is a supported sitter. he can handle it for about 30 seconds before he rolls
-tolerates tummy time pretty well. can push up on his arms and elbows on his stomach.
-day care says he is rolling over fairly regularly but we sitll haven't seen it. I think he wears himself out doing it so much at daycare he doesnt want to when we get home.
-is in mostly 6 month and up clothing
-LOVES to laugh at Dale when he is on his back and Dale puts his face on his tummy, I need to capture this on video. it's precious.
-still loves bath time
-is fighting a cold right now. he's had it for a couple weeks- it's pretty much just a cough now so hopefully it will go away soon
-likes apples and sweet potatoes (the only stuff he's had)
-talks to himself and us ALL THE TIME. he is quite the babbler.

And now...for the pictures.

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