Monday, January 24, 2011


So far, he has tried sweet potatoes, apples and butternet squash. I have been feeding him the Sprout organic baby food which we really like. It's a little bit more expensive but I know I am not the super mom that can make his food and I really can't stand the gerber food so this is working for now.

Since Friday, he has been back to sleeping through the night. 3 nights is definitely his longest to go. I am scared to say it may be official because I don't want to jinx us but I would be SO SO SO happy if we were finally there. Hopefully, this will become the norm.

It is still a struggle to get him to take bottles a lot of time. At least on weekends. He seems to do fine at daycare. I don't know if we stress him out at home or if he just doesn't feel like eating but some days, I can barely get him to eat 20oz- which even though he is a big boy, he needs at least 24oz each day. If he is going to sleep through the night, he needs to take more during the day because waking up and eating at night used to be how he caught up on his calories. I'm not too worried about it yet- just something I am watching to see if we need to alter his feedings or figure something out.

Other than that, all is well! He's happy, growing, smiling, making LOUD noises and generally being the sweetest, most easy-going baby there is!

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