Monday, February 7, 2011

Sweet boy is 5 months!

We have been traveling and so busy that we haven't taken the 5 months shots yet- but we will tonight. So I'll add those later.

This is what Eli is up to at 5 months:
-still not consistently sleping through the night. It seems we get into a good routine that only lasts 3-5 days and then we start over.
-Loved to suck his big toe, he's quite flexible
-FINALLY go 3 1/2 hours in between bottles
-Taking it slow on the baby food. Pretty soon I'll have to do better but right now, it's just a hassle to get him home at 5:30, feed, play, bathe and get him to bed by 7 (bedtime set by him- not us).
-Likes to grasps his moose
-Enjoys playing in the high chair. I am particularly excited about this because it means Dale and I can eat with him at the table and he can entertain himself for 15 minutes or so.
-I don't know what he weighs but the Big Chubowski (as my sister calls him) is in 6 months and up. Really 9 month clothing.
-Loves daycare but gives you the biggest, most adorable smile when you pick him up
-Has found his thumb!
-Can sit unassisted for short periods of time, I feel like we will master sitting up this month
-Squeals really loud when Dale tickles his tummy
-Still takes reflux meds and spits up but it is a lot better

Man, I've got to do better at remembering things. I can't believe he will be 6 months old in 3 weeks. Time really does fly!

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