Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Well. It's official. Eli is a daycare baby. Today is day 2. So far, so good. I didn't cry and I really don't feel that bad. Maybe 10% guilt and I know it will get better and easier as he gets older. It's our reality and I'm good with it.

The routine of getting up earlier and getting myself and him ready, however, is kicking my butt. I know it's only the second day. What makes matters worse is he has the crud. The coughing, congestion cold crud. I feel so bad for him but there's just not much you can do. But having to wake him up, dress him, feed him, give him tylenol, saline nose drops, suction out his nose, etc. It's cold outside, I need his diaper bag, bottles. blah blah. It will get better...it will get better.

1 comment:

Owen and Erin said...

it does get better! :)